Account Management
How can I change my name/email address?
You can change your name/email address or cancel your membership on the Yamaha Music ID for Business site.
Note: Name/email address changes can only be performed in Yamaha Music ID for Business. These changes will be reflected in your Audioversity Online account the next time you log in.
How do I change the language?
Unfortunately, it is only available in English. We plan to add language support in the future.
How can I delete my account?
You can delete your account on the Yamaha Music ID for Business site. Click here or select "Edit Profile" in the header of this page to navigate to the page, then delete your account from the "Delete Account" tab. Please note that this will cancel all services linked to your YAMAHA MUSIC ID.
Course Enrollment
How can I enroll in a course?
On the home page of Audioversity Online, click an Application (e.g. Corporate) and select the course you are interested in. To enroll, simply click the 'Enroll' button for that course. The courses are listed in the recommended order on each Application page. If you are unsure which course to take, we recommend following the order provided.
What courses do you recommend?
If you don’t have a specific Application in mind, you can filter by 'Popular' in the All Courses section to see which courses are most popular among customers.
Do I need to pay to take the course?
No, all courses are free of charge.
Certificates and Credits
What is an Audioversity Certificate?
Audioversity Certificates of Completion signify that you have successfully completed all the required modules of an Audioversity course It serves as a record of your participation and engagement with the course material.
What are AVIXA RU Credits?
AVIXA RU (Renewal Units) are continuing education credits that help you maintain various Certified Technology Specialist (CTS) and Audiovisual Network Professional (ANP) certifications. Attending AVIXA-approved trainings and seminars allows you to earn RU credits that demonstrate your commitment to keeping your knowledge current with the latest technologies and trends within the industry. For more information, please click here.
Is there an expiration date for Audioversity Certificates of Completion?
Yes, Certificates of Completion are valid for three years from the date of issue. Periodically reviewing courses you have completed is encouraged to help maintain your knowledge of the material.
Can I get a paper certificate?
No, so please print out the certificate you have downloaded.
How do I get my RU?
- First, pass the AVIXA CTS or ANP certification exam and obtain your qualification. (This is a prerequisite.)
- Complete the course on AudioversityOnline that will allow you to obtain your RU, and download your completion certificate.
- Log in to avixa.netexam.com (or click “My Training Portal” from your AVIXA profile), open your transcript, and then click “Add RU”. At this time, please attach the certificate of completion you obtained in (2).
Technical Issues
When signing in with the Microsoft Edge browser, I am unable to log in.
Please try the following to resolve the issue:
(1) Clear the browser's cache and cookie information.
(2) Use a browser other than Edge (e.g. Google Chrome).